Integrated warehouse projectTime of issue : 2021- 08-09
The company designed, produced, and built a heavy beam-type large warehouse for it, which solved the problem of cargo storage that had plagued the company for a long time.
Integrated warehouse projectTime of issue : 2021- 08-09
The company designed, produced, and built a heavy beam-type large warehouse for it, which solved the problem of cargo storage that had plagued the company for a long time.
Integrated warehouse projectTime of issue : 2021- 08-09
The company designed, produced, and built a heavy beam-type large warehouse for it, which solved the problem of cargo storage that had plagued the company for a long time.
Integrated warehouse projectTime of issue : 2021- 08-09
The company designed, produced, and built a heavy beam-type large warehouse for it, which solved the problem of cargo storage that had plagued the company for a long time.
Three-dimensional warehouse projectTime of issue : 2021- 08-09
The company designed, produced, and built a heavy beam-type large warehouse for it, which solved the problem of cargo storage that had plagued the company for a long time.
Beam warehouse projectTime of issue : 2021- 08-09
The company designed, produced, and built a heavy beam-type large warehouse for it, which solved the problem of cargo storage that had plagued the company for a long time.

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ADD: Xingfu Industrial Park, Boxing County, Binzhou City, Shandong Province
TEL: +86-543-2266333 / 0086-543-2261358
FAX : +86-543-2266333
E-mail : sanhe@sanwametal.com
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